When it is fitted, a button for activating the shield is added to the right-hand side of the HUD that appears when the player is controlling the Cyclops. Its Blueprint is found in a Data Box, but it can only be crafted using the integral upgrade fabricator inside a Cyclops: no other type of fabricator can make it. Inserting the module into one of the Cyclops' upgrade slots allows the vessel to generate an indestructible energy shield over its hull to defend against hostile fauna. Degasi Seabases are also classified as wrecks as confirmed by the Scanner Room.The Cyclops Shield Generator is an upgrade for the Cyclops.The Underwater Islands Wreck also has a data terminal, but has no importance as it only gives what seems like a rule when working with Prawn Suits.Wreck 2 has a terminal that can be downloaded to your PDA, however, this terminal gives nothing of importance as it ends up spitting out a set of characters as if someone was smashing a computer keyboard.It is unknown whether this is intended or not. Non-scannable Picture Frames are present in the second Bulb Zone wreck and the third Dunes wreck.These were removed at some point, and Supply Crates can be found across all of the Crash Zone as of now.

Wrecks 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 all share the same U-shape wreck model.If the ambience does happen to play, the game's command console will state the player is in a biome named "WreckInterior" rather than the normal "_WreckInterior" that most wrecks show as your current biome when inside of them.Entering the wreck through the ventilation duct on its western side seems to have a noticeably more common chance of making these ambient effects occur, although it can occur when entering from any entrance. Wreck 1 ( Grassy Plateaus) seemingly randomly plays a unique ambience track and sound effects which do not play in any other wrecks while in the upper portion of the wreck.The destroyed interior of a Wreck Concept Art

Data Box - Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module.Data Terminal - Data Download without headline #3 (705 -365 1200).Data Box - Cyclops Thermal Reactor Module.Data Terminal - Data Download without headline #2 (-664 -96 -9).Abandoned PDA - Degasi Crew Manifest: Marguerit Maida (-632 -74 -9).Abandoned PDA - Alterra Citizen Testimonials (-642 -111 -19).Data Box - Lightweight High Capacity Tank.Abandoned PDA - Trans-Gov Profile: Mongolian Independent States (-28 -106 -607).Abandoned PDA - Profitability Projections (-1397 -330 729).