So just open Termux application and type one of the following: Command So wait for it to complete the Installation. Note: It will take time depending on your internet speed.

Many more models are supported, and images not published by Offensive Security can be generated using NetHunter build scripts.

NetHunter images with custom kernels are published for the most popular supported devices, such as Google Nexus, Samsung Galaxy, and OnePlus. Every three months, Offensive Security updates the official images on their download page. Kali NetHunter is available for un-rooted devices (NetHunter Rootless), for rooted devices that have a custom recovery (NetHunter Lite), and for rooted devices with custom recovery for which a NetHunter specific kernel is available (NetHunter). Kali NetHunter is a free and open-source mobile penetration testing platform for Android devices, based on Kali Linux.

In this article we will cover topics such as, Introduction to Nethunter, how to install nethunder on an android device, and some basic commands you can use while using Nethunter.

This article aims to be a comprehensive guide on installing Nethunter on an Non-Rooted Android Devices.